
3 methods to reduce high temperature heat

Step motors for sale are widely used motion-control devices because of their simple setup and accurate positioning with an open-loop configuration. But problems associated with heat generation can arise. That’s because the drive that powers an open-loop step motor doesn’t use feedback to control the amount of current provided to that motor. Instead, the drive provides full current at all times … regardless of torque demand on the motor. So the motor consumes power at excessive rates …. wasting energy and generating avoidable amounts of heat.

First — Reduce the idle (holding) current for the motor
Many motion control applications need the most torque when the motor accelerates and decelerates to meet its mark. But when the motor idles, or holds position, it requires much less torque. These instances are a good time to reduce motor current.

Second — Reduce running current
Many design engineers err on the side of caution when selecting a step motor — often choosing a motor with more than enough torque (rather than just enough) for the application at hand. In these scenarios, it may be possible to reduce the motor’s running current with some trial-and-error testing. Basically, this requires reducing running current by a small amount and monitoring the motion output. If this trial run proves successful, reduce running current again and retest motor performance.

Third — Switch to a closed-loop step motor system
The most dramatic reduction in heat generation occurs when replacing an open-loop step motor system with a closed-loop step motor system. Step motors are operable within a servo control loop when outfitted with a high-resolution encoder and powered by a suitable closed-loop drive. This relatively new system configuration necessitates that the engineer replaces the application’s motor and drive. But the magnitude of temperature reduction is usually worth it.

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